Μπορείτε να πληρώσετε με τραπεζική κατάθεση ή κατευθείαν με την κάρτας σας, ή με IRIS.

Θα πρέπει να λάβετε υπόψη το κόστος αγοράς του Domain Name (yourname.gr) το οποίο είναι 19 ευρώ/έτος (COM) & 26 ευρώ/2 έτη (GR).
Ένα άλλο επιπρόσθετο κόστος είναι το κόστος φιλοξενίας Hosting  το οποίο είναι 100 ευρώ/έτος ή 150 ευρώ/έτος ανάλογα τον όγκο της ιστοσελίδας σας.

Your domain name is fully and solely owned by you.

Of course! After completing your website we will fully train you so that you can manage and update the website content entirely by yourself.
Upon agreement, we can manage your website for you.

Usually up to 30-40 days after our offer has been accepted and the deposit of the advance payment has been made. However, we make the extra effort to deliver our projects in a shorter period of time.

Of course, 3 times a day so that no problem will occur and no data will get lost.

You should inform us if you already have a website, so we can check the website and make you the best possible offer for its complete renewal.
Additionally, you should know the passwords for your website’s hosting as well as the authorization password of your domain.
You can request them from your previous hosting provider that is obliged to give them to you.
An important matter to keep in mind is that when you decide to transfer your website, you must get a full backup copy of your e-mails before the transfer occurs, otherwise any e-mails you had at your previous provider will get lost with the transfer.

For business websites, you can send us photos of your premises, your projects and your staff. All other photos required for the content of your website are provided by us and are royalty paid.
For an e-shop we will need photos of your products. As for your website’s texts, we will need a text regarding the "About Us" section or the "Biography" section as well as your Services by name. Leave the rest to us. After completing the construction of your website, you can request changes to the texts we have recommended.

  1. Each product should be in a folder named after the product code. The folder should include photos of the product and a word document containing the title of the product, a short description, a longer description or its features and its price.
  2. We will send you an Excel file where you will fill in the details of your products such as code, name, description, price, etc. and a folder for the photos of your products which should mention your product’s code.
    In case your files are large and you cannot send them by e-mail, you can send them through the following website: wetransfer.com
    which allows the transfer of large files from e-mail to e-mail.

We sign up your business e-mail to any e-mail service provider you want, for free, with a remote connection to your computer.

In such a case we will provide you with all the required settings by e-mail.

To connect to your e-mail, go to the following web address: webmail.domain.gr Use as username the entire e-mail (e.g. user@domain.gr) and for password the e-mail code that we will send you.